How this landlord lowered power bills at two Somerset Inns

green energy news / 19th May 2023

Craig Holmes, landlord of two large Inns in Somerset has fitted ‘voltage optimisation’ from Olympus Power and lowered his power bills. 

The power-optimising units ensure that these hospitality businesses do not use electricity they don’t need – taking thousands of pounds a year off their bills as well as reducing the carbon footprint. 

How much could your business save with voltage optimisation? Find out more and use our savings calculator here. 

Craig, a member of the British Institute of Innkeeping and Manager of both The Windmill Inn and the Beambridge Inn has had voltage optimisation units fitted by Olympus Power.

He said “We have seen thousands of pounds in savings already – our electricity bills were starting to be a concern, but this – reducing the amount of energy used – is the answer.”

“It was a complete no-brainer for the businesses – we can easily see the drop in power usage from the day they were fitted. After the initial consultation and forecasts on the Windmill Inn, I immediately asked for the same at the Beambridge. I’d recommend voltage optimisation for any business as it really is fit and forget, just enjoy the lower bills.”

What is Voltage Optimisation?

Matt Farrand, Account Manager at Olympus Power explained “ The optimisation unit for a large pub or inn is about the size of a kitchen cupboard, that is fitted, in a day, to the business’s electricity supply. 

“What the unit does is regulate the voltage coming into the building. Electricity coming from the national grid fluctuates  – meaning that usually you take, and pay for – more electricity than you need.

With a voltage optimisation unit fitted, you only pay for the electricity you need. This typically reduces energy bills by up to 15% which amounts to a massive saving for high usage venues with accommodation and food preparation.” 

More about voltage optimsation from Olympus Power here

Find the St Austell Brewery Windmill Inn at West Quantoxhead, and the Butcome Brewery BeamBridge Inn at Wellington, Somerset. 

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