
Renewable Energy Solutions

Olympus Power have a range of renewable, carbon-saving technologies and can bespoke design a system for you.

Our experience

Solutions for all

Whether your operation has high energy needs, multiple sites, complex buildings, unused land or you want a self-contained power grid solution – we have an experienced team to develop your power solution.

Want low energy costs?

…But you don’t know where to start? Not a problem. Using your power or selling your power, we will start with a free energy evaluation. We will assess the energy your business uses and the unused assets you already have. This might be roof or ground space to capture and store the power you need, or natural capital locally.

We will present options with financial forecasts, long term outcomes and the information you need to decide to grow your business with renewable energy.

Book a free energy evaluation

Have climate commitments?

So do we. We partner with businesses like yours across the UK to help them decarbonise their operations, as lower carbon emissions go hand-in-hand with renewable energy and lower energy costs.

Your business can follow many other organisations in partnering with us to meet climate commitments.

Get in touch

Own buildings or land?

If you are renting space to businesses, or are responsible for land, energy agreements and asset management can be more complex. We have experience in providing renewable energy systems for landlords, land agents and their tenants so it’s not a barrier to find out more.

Get in touch

  • Tech that brings you closer to zero carbon
  • Significant savings
  • Long term financial planning with locked in rates
  • Flexible terms
  • Expert advice and project management
  • Range of building and land solutions

Ready to reduce your energy bills and carbon?

Contact Us See Our Projects

Company Number: 09682843

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